Mid-Atlantic Burn Camp
Camp Description The mission of the Mid-Atlantic Burn Camp Fund is to assist child and adolescent burn survivors from the Mid-Atlantic region and their families in their adjustment to injury by providing an annual therapeutic residential summer camp and other year-round activities that support their physical, psychological, and social needs.
City Keezletown
State/Province/Region VA
Ages of Participants 7 to 17
Camp Dates see website
Average Number of Participants 40
Program Details A medical specialty camp for young burn survivors in a traditional summer camp setting.
Camp Program Name Mid-Atlantic Burn Camp
Ages of Participants
Camp Dates
Average Number of Participants
Program Description
Camp Program Name Mid-Atlantic Winter Camp
Ages of Participants 14 to 17
Camp Dates see website
Average Number of Participants 12
Program Description A program designed for teens with participation in skiing/snow boarding with a emphasis on future educational goals and life skills.
Camp Program Name Mid-Atlantic's Baltimore/Washington Family Picnic
Ages of Participants all ages
Camp Dates see website
Average Number of Participants 100
Program Description An old fashion family picnic for young burn survivors and their families with food, fun, and fellowship.