First confirm the member has the Camp location information filled out.

Next, open a new web page (for example a new tab in the browser) and copy/paste this line in to the address bar: then hit the enter key on your keyboard to run the script. A white screen will appear with the word “End”.

Reload the map webpage to confirm the new pin is present.

  1. The admin email ( will get an email notifying of a new form submission.
  2. If the member paid via PayPal, an admin must login to this dashboard and go to Memberships > Approvals and click the “Approve” link for the new member. That member now has access to all paywall content and will be listed on the website. They will be notified via email.
  3. If the member paid by check, once the check is processed, an admin must login to this dashboard and follow two steps:
    • go to Memberships > Approvals and click the “Approve” link for the new member.
    • Go to Membership > Orders. Find the order with status = Pending, hover over order number and click the Edit link that appears below the number. Scroll down page and locate Status drop down field, click on drop down and change status to Success. Click blue “Save Order” button at bottom of screen.
    • That member now has access to all paywall content and will be listed on the website. They will be notified via email.

All members need admin approval before being listed on the member directory or permitted to see paywall content.

To approve new members, in the black WordPress menu bar on the left, go to Memberships > Approvals.

If there are members to approve, they will be listed.

Click the Approve or Deny links.

And you’re done!