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Membership Information

You have selected the IABC Member Camp membership level.

The price for membership is $150.00 per Year.

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Account Information

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More Information

Recommended size is 200px X 100px

Organization Contact Information

This information is for internal use only and will not be displayed on your public profile.

Camp Information

This will be displayed on your public profile and should include information about your pediatric burn camp.

Programming for Burn Survivors

This information will be displayed on your public profile and should include any other recreational programming for burn survivors that your organization offers. You can leave this blank if your pediatric burn camp is your only program.

250 word maximum.

250 word maximum.

250 word maximum.

Membership Criteria

This is for internal use only and will not be displayed on your public profile. In accordance with the by-laws, in order for a camp to be considered for membership in the IABC, it must meet the criteria listed below. Please indicate that your camp meets this criteria by selecting the “Yes” button. If you are unable to answer “Yes” you need to contact the IABC board to discuss further. The camp or its parent organization designee should answer the below questions.

Are you interested in becoming more involved with the IABC, such as serving on a committee or becoming a board member?

This is for internal use only and will not be displayed on your public profile.

Financial Assistance

This is for internal use only and will not be displayed on your public profile.

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