Join Today Membership Information You have selected the IABC Member Camp membership level. The price for membership is $150.00 per Year. Do you have a discount code? Click here to enter your discount code Discount Code Account Information Username Password Show Password Confirm Password Email Address Confirm Email Address Full Name LEAVE THIS BLANK Already have an account? Log in here More Information Upload your logo as a PNG, JPG, or GIF Recommended size is 200px X 100px Organization Contact Information This information is for internal use only and will not be displayed on your public profile. Parent Organization Name Primary Contact Phone Mailing Address Line 1 Mailing Address Line 2 Mailing City Mailing State/Province/Region Mailing Zip/Postal Code Mailing Country Primary Contact First Name Primary Contact Last Name Primary Contact Role / Title Executive Director Program Manager/Coordinator Administrator Other Other Primary Contact Role / Title Alternate Contact First Name Alternate Contact Last Name Alternate Contact Person Email Alternate Contact Person Phone Alternate Contact Person Title/Role Executive Director Program Manager/Coordinator Administrator Other Other Alternate Contact Person Title/Role Camp Information This will be displayed on your public profile and should include information about your pediatric burn camp. Camp Name Website (include http:// OR https://) Camp Address Line 1 Camp Address Line 2 Camp City Camp State/Province/Region Camp Zip Code Camp Country Camp Description Programming for Burn Survivors This information will be displayed on your public profile and should include any other recreational programming for burn survivors that your organization offers. You can leave this blank if your pediatric burn camp is your only program. Program Name Ages of participants / target age group Program dates (if available) Average number of participants Program Description 250 word maximum. Program 2 Name Ages of participants/target age group Program dates (if available) Average number of participants Program 2 Description 250 word maximum. Program 3 Name Ages of participants/target age group Program dates (if available) Average number of participants Program 3 Description 250 word maximum. Membership Criteria This is for internal use only and will not be displayed on your public profile. In accordance with the by-laws, in order for a camp to be considered for membership in the IABC, it must meet the criteria listed below. Please indicate that your camp meets this criteria by selecting the “Yes” button. If you are unable to answer “Yes” you need to contact the IABC board to discuss further. The camp or its parent organization designee should answer the below questions. We provide to participants a camp program specifically for burn survivors and/or their families that assists in the recovery from injury by supporting their physical, social, and psychosocial needs. Yes No The camp program meets or exceeds the standards set forth in your state for youth safety/protection; this includes but is not limited to yearly background checks, abuse prevention training and predator identification training. Yes No Do you admit all burn survivors and their families to any camp or related program regardless of their ability to pay any and all fees associated with such a camp or related program? Yes No Do you have an identified director(s) who is substantially responsible for the organization and administration of the camp. (Their name should be listed in earlier portion of form.) Yes No Does your camp have a medical team or a plan to address the physical and medical needs of your campers? Yes No Does your camp offer socio-emotional support to its campers? Best practices include the presence of a mental health professional that can provide both proactive and reactive socio-emotional services to your campers. Yes No Does your camp have current nonprofit 501(c)(3) status? Or is it covered under the nonprofit status of another organization i.e. nonprofit hospital? Yes No Does your camp have an evaluation method to determine that your camp is meeting its stated goals? Yes No What is the accrediting organization for your camp, if any? Accreditation is NOT required to be a member of the IABC. American Camping Association Canadian Camping Association No accreditation Other Does your camp send representation to the American Burn Association (ABA) annual meeting? Yes No If Yes, do your representatives attend the Burn Camp SIG or other IABC sponsored events? Yes No Does your camp plan to send representation to the International Association of Burn Camps semi-annual workshop to be held in 2026? Yes No Are there any specific topics you'd like to hear about at the next ABA Meeting Burn Camp SIG (2025) or IABC Workshop (2026)? Quarterly Membership Meetings (on Zoom)? Are you interested in sponsoring the IABC workshop? Yes! Please contact me with more information. Not at this time. This is to certify the camp noted in this form is submitting their application to the International Association of Burn Camps and, by selecting yes below, hereby declares that the information provided and assertions made in this application are true, correct, and complete. Yes Other Are you interested in becoming more involved with the IABC, such as serving on a committee or becoming a board member? This is for internal use only and will not be displayed on your public profile. Education Committee Yes No Maybe Currently Serving Membership Committee Yes No Maybe Currently Serving Board Member Yes No Maybe Currently Serving Financial Assistance This is for internal use only and will not be displayed on your public profile. Is your organization is in need of financial assistance to pay your IABC Membership Dues? Yes, I will contact No, not at this time Would you like to set up automatic renewals? Yes, renew at $150.00 per Year. Choose Your Payment Method Pay with PayPal Pay by Check When paying by check, add your camp name and invoice number (shown on following screen) and make it payable to: The International Association of Burn Camps Contact Kristen Quinn at for mailing address. Your account will be in pending status until your check is processed. Check Out With PayPal Processing...