The IABC offers assistance to burn camps in the form of guidance, mentoring and best practices.
The IABC has established guidelines for best practice with Burn Camp Programming and should be used in conjunction with the American Camping Association Standards.

Latest Blog Posts
Burn Camp Research
The ABA has published links to a collection of burn camp related research papers. Click here to access – an ABA membership is not required….
ABA — IABC Events
Thursday, April 8 at 5:00 pm CTABA Game Night with the IABC — Several fun virtual games are planned for a Zoom-sational evening hosted by the IABC Board of Directors….
Monthly Webinars!
We will be hosting monthly webinars throughout 2021! These webinars will address various subjects and held on the 3rd Friday of each month. If you are not already on our…
Save the DATE!
The (rescheduled) 2021 IABC Workshop will be held August 27 – September 1 near Chicago! The International Association of Burn Camps (IABC) Workshop, held biannually, enhances the knowledge of those…