Join us at our bi-annual IABC Workshop at Camp Twin Lakes in Winder, Georgia from November 13th to November 16th, 2024!
The IABC Workshop is an opportunity for burn camp professionals to gather in fellowship and hear from industry experts and colleagues about current best practices in the burn camp industry.

Topics to be included in the 2024 workshop include:
In addition to these important topics, attendees can expect to spend time singing camp songs and building camp community! Camp Twin Lakes, which hosts the Georgia Firefighters Burn Foundation’s Camp Ou-la-la, will open some of their activity stations to attendees so burn camp leaders can let loose and have fun!
Workshop Schedule
The schedule for the week is still under construction but here is some general start and end information you can use to make travel arrangements and plans!
View our Tentative Workshop Schedule Here
Workshop cost and registration
The cost for the workshop is $500 per person. This fee includes all meals, lodging, and linens for the week. Registration will go up to $550 per participants for registrations submitted after October 21st, 2024. Camps can elect to pay via PayPal or have an invoice sent to them. Registration will close on November 4th, 2024 to give the IABC Board enough time to share final attendee numbers with Camp Twin Lakes.
Please email us at if you have questions or concerns regarding the workshop. See you in November!